Hawthorn & Ash #14


Welcome to this week’s installment of many micro stories, ranging in length from 100 words to 500 words.

With each story we hope to deliver a little whimsy into the lives of our readers.


Rose pocketed her grandmother’s jewels and surveyed the scene. The old bat had it coming.

So much blood…

She bit her lip and thought. The wounds from the kitchen knife almost looked like…

Wolf attack. Perfect.

If only Granny hadn’t been so stingy. This was all her fault, really.

Rose slipped the knife into her bag and kicked over a couple of stools. Wolf attacks weren’t uncommon in these parts.

After a final glance around the cottage, she donned her cape. The hood was splattered with her grandmother’s blood. Rose looked in the mirror.

Red really brings out my eyes.

Greg Schwartz writes speculative fiction and poetry. He lives in Maryland with his wife, children, and dog. He’s been fortunate to have stories in Black Ink Horror, Champagne Shivers, Writers’ Journal, and Mount Zion Speculative Fiction Review. In a pre-fatherhood life, he was the staff cartoonist for SP Quill Magazine and a book reviewer for Whispers of Wickedness.

If you enjoyed this drabble you can find it and more in the Hawthorn & Ash 2023 anthology.



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